

"Kindness is the essence of greatness" Joseph B. Wirthlin This quote means kindness makes you a great person. Most of the time when you o a kind act you get it in return. Part of being a great person is being kind to others and not only so people see it, but for yourself, it has to come out from the heart. Kindness is one of the easiest things to do in life and you feel good after. 


This break was very relaxing and i stayed busy doing fun things which is good. Some things i did was go bowling with my family, but my mom kept winning everyone. I also went to the snow which was exciting because i haven't gone in so long and we went sledding and it was so scary, but overall fun. I also meet family iv'e never seen, and i got so along with them especially my baby cousin. I hope i see them all soon again. I also went to many parties with my friends and family, it was so fun. I watched so many movies and shows over the break, but my favorite show was "Good Girls" and "You" they were very intense. During break my boyfriend taught me how to play soccer really good, it was fun. During this break i did have a CTR experience, i went to a party with my friends and some people started drinking and asking me, but i said no and walked away from the situation. Im very happy i didn't have much homework just an essay due which i finished.

dr. randy pausch

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how you lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results, destiny, fortune, goodluck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you." Dr. Randy Pausch This quote means that it's not about how you get to your dreams or what you want to accomplish but how you're going to lead yourself there, if you are going to go through the sacrifice for it. No matter what challenges get in the way, it's about if you're willing to push through and overcome them. You have to believe in yourself and know you're better than that and can do so much more if you don't give up. But whatever does get the way, karma is going to take care of it. You stick to your goal and everything will eventually fall into its place. If you're doing everything will good intentions, you're dreams will come to you slowly. You have to just trust the process. .

ENT specialist

Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist Duties/Responsibilities:  They provide comprehensive medical and surgical care for the patients. They manage and diagnose diseases near and/or near the nose, throat, and eat Education: Four years of medical school/ degree Two years of specialized coursework in otolaryngology  Several ENT residency programs  


These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity:  Have the courage to say no  Have the courage to face the truth  Do the right thing because it is right            W. Clement Stone What this means is having integrity in your life makes everything good and better because you are doing the right things. You just have to accept everything that happens in your life because we learn from our mistakes and better ourselves instead of cheating our way through it and not getting anywhere with that. Facing your wrongs and the truth is okay, it's a part from growing in different areas of yourself and knowing more everyday. Also, standing up for yourself, do something because you want to, but if you don't and have to get something done do it because it's something that is going to benefit you for future purposes. It's okay to say no because other times will come but prioritize you're future and important things you know have to be done. 
"Right is right, and wrong is wrong no matter the circumstances." This quote means no matter what position you're put in or situation, your acts shouldn't change. Regardless if you have the opportunity to do something, don't if you know it's wrong, go on with what the right is even when you're not asked or anything. It shows how good of a person you are, from heart.
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." William Penn This quote means no matter if it's right and everyone is against it you should do the same, everyone has their opinions and can chose to go down a bad path. Do the right even when no one's by you because at the end you're going to feel good about yourself and accomplished. Also, don't do the wrong even when others are and you know the consequences, you save yourself from the worst.