
This break was very relaxing and i stayed busy doing fun things which is good. Some things i did was go bowling with my family, but my mom kept winning everyone. I also went to the snow which was exciting because i haven't gone in so long and we went sledding and it was so scary, but overall fun. I also meet family iv'e never seen, and i got so along with them especially my baby cousin. I hope i see them all soon again. I also went to many parties with my friends and family, it was so fun. I watched so many movies and shows over the break, but my favorite show was "Good Girls" and "You" they were very intense. During break my boyfriend taught me how to play soccer really good, it was fun. During this break i did have a CTR experience, i went to a party with my friends and some people started drinking and asking me, but i said no and walked away from the situation. Im very happy i didn't have much homework just an essay due which i finished.


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