This quote means obedience tests you to see of you are going to do the right thing or chose wrong. if you just listen to the rules you'll have everything turn out right.
This break was very relaxing and i stayed busy doing fun things which is good. Some things i did was go bowling with my family, but my mom kept winning everyone. I also went to the snow which was exciting because i haven't gone in so long and we went sledding and it was so scary, but overall fun. I also meet family iv'e never seen, and i got so along with them especially my baby cousin. I hope i see them all soon again. I also went to many parties with my friends and family, it was so fun. I watched so many movies and shows over the break, but my favorite show was "Good Girls" and "You" they were very intense. During break my boyfriend taught me how to play soccer really good, it was fun. During this break i did have a CTR experience, i went to a party with my friends and some people started drinking and asking me, but i said no and walked away from the situation. Im very happy i didn't have much homework just an essay due which i finished.
"The most important thing you will ever have is good values." Dennis Prager This quote is saying having good values is all you need, a value matters more than what you feel. Good values are very important because example if your dog is drowning and so is a human you're just going to want to save the dog because the feelings you have but a humans value is more important.
"What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right." Albert Einstein What i think this quote means is all the good and right things aren't always the popular ones because their probably boring or people just don't like doing good things sometimes because other people aren't doing them so they don't want to seem different. And the really popular things are the bad ones and just because a lot of people do it doesn't mean it's right. It's probably because they know it's not suppose to be done and finding out the consequences is better but it really isn't because you'll get in trouble. So don't follow people and what they do just because it's popular doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
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