
Showing posts from November, 2019


These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity:  Have the courage to say no  Have the courage to face the truth  Do the right thing because it is right            W. Clement Stone What this means is having integrity in your life makes everything good and better because you are doing the right things. You just have to accept everything that happens in your life because we learn from our mistakes and better ourselves instead of cheating our way through it and not getting anywhere with that. Facing your wrongs and the truth is okay, it's a part from growing in different areas of yourself and knowing more everyday. Also, standing up for yourself, do something because you want to, but if you don't and have to get something done do it because it's something that is going to benefit you for future purposes. It's okay to say no because other times will come but prioritize you're future and important things you know have to be done. 
"Right is right, and wrong is wrong no matter the circumstances." This quote means no matter what position you're put in or situation, your acts shouldn't change. Regardless if you have the opportunity to do something, don't if you know it's wrong, go on with what the right is even when you're not asked or anything. It shows how good of a person you are, from heart.
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." William Penn This quote means no matter if it's right and everyone is against it you should do the same, everyone has their opinions and can chose to go down a bad path. Do the right even when no one's by you because at the end you're going to feel good about yourself and accomplished. Also, don't do the wrong even when others are and you know the consequences, you save yourself from the worst.